Why Nurture?
For some children, being a member of a large class in school can present difficulties. For a number of reasons, children may have difficulty settling in school. This has huge consequences on what they will achieve. It has been shown that some children can benefit from the support that a nurture room can offer. In Blackfriars this would be the Rainforest Room.
What do we do?
Nurture rooms focus on providing stable daily routines and developmentally appropriate activities. The children benefit from a modified version of the school curriculum and take part in specially designed activities, which enhance social and emotional skills, improve their self-esteem and develop the skills necessary for learning – such as concentration and processing skills. The curriculum features structured play and many practical experiences, with a great emphasis on emotional literacy, language development and communication. Children remain an active part of their mainstream class, spend appropriate times within the nurture group according to their need and typically return to their class fulltime within two to four terms.
Parental Involvement?
It is important that parents are involved. Together we explore how best to meet your child’s needs. Parents receive regular updates on their child’s progress and consulted about their child’s return to class on a full-time basis.
Blackfriars Primary School310 Cumberland StreetGlasgowG5 0SSPhone: 0141 429 2444Fax: 0141 429 8096