Supporting numeracy at home The first in a series of new materials to support numeracy at home have now been published on the Learning doesn’t just take place in the classroom, it can happen anywhere. A child or young person’s everyday routine offers many opportunities and experiences to practise and apply their numeracy skills in real and meaningful ways. These new materials consist of illustrations with some simple ideas to build numbers into everyday activities. They can be downloaded from the website and handed out to parents and carers.
Measurement Ideas include: 'Follow a recipe independently' 'Estimate and take their own measurements - height, weight, shoe size' Visit Parentzone to see more ideas.
Money opportunities
Ideas include: 'Budget a set amount for school lunches, travel week and clubs etc.' 'Count out loud with your child - counting forwards and backwards' Visit Parentzone to see more ideas.
Coming soon Look out for more materials coming soon on Parentzone for the following areas:
Please give us your feedback on how useful you find these materials by emailing
Blackfriars Primary School310 Cumberland StreetGlasgowG5 0SSPhone: 0141 429 2444Fax: 0141 429 8096